Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters - Ethiopia, Danche

Availability: Out Of Stock
Product Type: Coffee Bean
Size: 300g

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Danche (full name: Danche, Chelbessa) is tucked high up the hillside in a remote corner of the Gedeb district. I first set eyes on it in 2019, and immediately had great expectations for coffee off that hill.  Due to its high elevation, it only serves a small area, as famers typically favour walking down to a washing station and not up (can you blame them!).  Serving the really tight area is lucky for us, because we get to taste the special coffee of this small area.  Most washing stations collect cherries from 10 or more neighbours, but this one collects from just three: Kubi, Sisota, Sike, and it has just 386 member farmers, which is less than half of its sister washing station just called Chelbessa.

  • HARVEST: November/December, 2022
  • LOCATION: Gedeo Zone, Gedeb District, Danche Chelbessa Neighbourhood
  • PROCESS: Washed by Fermentation
  • VARIETY Kurume & Dega
  • ELEVATION 2000 - 2250 m
  • STORAGE: Green coffee frozen to preserve freshness
  • Input Dry Coffee: 19g
  • Output Espresso Liquid: 40g
  • Time from Pump Start: 36sec.
  • Group Head Pressure: 125 psi
  • Group Head Temperature: 94°C/201°F
  • Water-to-Coffee Ratio, Drip: 17.5 : 1
  • Water-to-Coffee Ratio, French Press: 16 : 1
  • Water Temperature: 95.6°C / 204°F
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): 20 ppm
  • Bicarbonate (HCO3): 18 ppm or less (most important)
  • Calcium (Ca): 5 ppm
  • Magnesium (Mg): 2 ppm
  • Sodium (Na): 2 ppm