Amanda Nadeau
FAQ with Amanda Nadeau shares with us about herself and her passion for her unique profession.
What is your name and where are you from?
My name is Amanda Nadeau, and I am from Calgary, AB.
What is it that you do?
I am a professional obstacle course racer (OCR).
Why obstacle course racing?
Why not? Being outside and running through the forest is one of the best feelings in the world. I can get paid to roll around in the mud! I love fitness, health, and everything that gets me moving.
What are some challenges that you face on a regular basis?
I do a majority of my workouts on my own, so being able to stay motivated every day and doing what needs to be done can be a bit of a challenge, especially if it is cold and raining outside, or if there are a lot of other things that need to be done. But I know that once I get out the door I never regret it.
What are some of your goals you want to reach in the near future?
Some of my goals... to be the OCR World Champion. To backflip across a finish line. To do a sub 3:30 marathon. To do a 24-hour adventure/OCR race. To do a 100k. Just to name a few...
What are some of your most proud of accomplishments
This year had a lot of challenges that I am very proud of. I set some goals and smashed them... while others I failed. These are the experiences I draw the most from. My most recent event was OCR World Championships in London UK, where I went into it feeling great and planning to be on the podium. I ended up coming dead last and being on the course 5 hours longer than my competitors. But I still finished the race, even when others around me were quitting and it was pouring rain and cold. I don't really have a mindset that considers quitting to be an option, so I was very proud of myself for pushing through that.
What inspires you or motivates you?
My parents are pretty awesome. They do OCR races with me, and being able to train and compete together as a family is pretty sweet. I have an incredibly supportive husband who supports my crazy lifestyle, and I like to make all the sacrifices worthwhile by giving it everything I have, every single day. Being able to be a role model for other women and young girls is something I have learned about this past year, and it is incredibly rewarding to hear that you motivated someone to do their first race, pull up, handstand, whatever it is, or to push through adversity. It is humbling and inspiring at the same time.
What do you like about LAMOSE or how did LAMOSE catch your attention?
I had actually been looking for a Canadian company that made products similar to those of Hydroflask and Klean Kanteen, and was super excited when I discovered LAMOSE. When I found out they do custom designs on all their bottles, have a lifetime guarantee, and are based out of Alberta, I was even more stoked. I have tested them rigorously (I probably drop my bottle on the daily) and am super happy with all my LAMOSE bottles and mugs. They are the ultimate gift idea too!
Amanda's picks:
Robson 28oz in pink
Peyto 14oz in turquoise