We all are being faced with undesirable exposure to plastic pollution. Though plastic water bottles are cheap, convenient and disposable they are very harmful to us individually and they also pose a terrible threat to our ecosystem. It is a fact that majority of the negative health effects attached to the toxic components in plastic is as a result of earth’s growing dependence on plastic. The way we drink water reveals the kind of society we belong to.
Experts recently claimed that no ocean is free from plastic pollution in the world and several have said that this is the most terrible issue being faced by the ocean and our planet recently. Plastic chemicals were even discovered below 30 feet of ice in the Antarctic Ocean; a place that cannot even inhabit by humans and was previously not discovered or thought would have contained contaminated plastic waste.
These bottles are manufactured through an immense quantity of fossil fuels and water and thereafter shipped to everywhere in the world. Bottles are never biodegradable in any significant way; this plastic you drink from in just a few minutes can actually stick around for over a thousand years.
Although recycling efforts are applied in many cases, only a few out of these plastic bottles utilized are not downcycled that is, they are sent somewhere out of mind and sight where, probably in one thousand years to come, harmful substances from dissipated plastic containers might be leached into soils and watersheds. This is not something we should be glad to present to our future generations and global neighbors. There is some bottled water labeled to depict a calm mountain stream but unfortunately, this doesn't mean the content inside is pure judging by the bottle.
Just handful bottled water really comes from springs and other groundwater sources. It is a fact that approximately 20% of bottled water is from the tap. It is obvious some industries filter the tap water using ultraviolet light before they sell it to you at a much higher cost of municipal tap water. Studies have shown that samples of bottled water can contain mold, phthalates, even arsenic. However, the FDA has just recently embarked on the regulation of bottled water against E. Coli.
You might feel like Plastic is only bad for the planet but it’s neither good for you as well. Bottled water companies are increasingly adopting the use BPA-free plastic but there are other chemicals laced into plastic bottles that can surface if the bottles are exposed to heat or being made to sit around for too long. Handfuls of these chemicals are likely disruptors of endocrine.
When you get rid disposable bottled water, you live healthier, save a lot of money and support the movement for global sustainability.
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3 Reasons Your Next Bottle Should Be A 100% Plastic Free